Thursday, March 5, 2009


You guys watching American Idol? We're pretty into it, especially since we can DVR it now (more on that later). Any favorites? I'm big on Danny (the guy who looks like Robert Downey Jr.) and Adam Lambert. For whatever reason the guys are much more interesting than the girls this season. I'm also a fan of Anoop--hope he makes it through the wildcard round tonight.


Coodence said...

I have it on my DVR, but am waiting til they firm up the contestants. They don't usually drag it out this long, do they??

Drew said...

I don't remember how they went from 36 to 12 in past years, but it's definitely dragged out. By this point I've seen the same slow motion celebration/dejection clips 1000 times.

Anonymous said...

I think in other years they picked just 24 in hollywood week, 12 girls and 12 guys (if I remember correctly)

Drew said...

Yeah that sounds right. And then they would eliminate both a guy and a girl each week until it was down to 12, right?

Anonymous said...

If I recall in past years, they had a top 24 and for the first week or two, would get rid of two people each time to get down to 12. Then, they'd start with one person per week.